from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import Parser.ConfigTypes as ConfigTypes
import Parser.AttributeTypes as AttributeTypes
[docs]class Link:
The Link utility class is used for creating references to various components of the configuration model.
A link could point to 3 different types of places:
- A Subconfig; For example: ``cores/``
- An element inside a subconfig; For example: ``cores/core_0``
- A An attribute instacne inside of an element inside of a subconfig; For example: ``cores/core_0:core_name``
Links can be global or local to a subconfig in which case the subconfig part of a link does not need to be specified.
For example if in the context of subconfig ``cores`` we wanted to point to the ``core_name`` attribute of ``core_0`` we could use ``core_0:core_name``.
But if we wanted to access the same attribute from a config file other than :file:`cores.json` we would need to write ``cores/core_0:core_name``.
def __init__(
self, link: Union[str, Link] = None, emphasize: int = EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT
self.isGlobal = self.__isGlobal
if link:
if type(link) is str:
self.__config, self.__element, self.__attribute = self.split(
link, emphasize
elif type(link) is Link:
self.__config, self.__element, self.__attribute =
raise TypeError(
f'Link elements can only be constructed from Link or string objects but the passed object was of type "{type(link).__name__}"'
self.__config = None
self.__element = None
self.__attribute = None
def __repr__(self):
return "Link(" + self.getLink() + ")"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.getLink()
def __eq__(self, o: Union[Link, str]) -> bool:
if not type(o) is Link:
o = Link.force(o)
return (
o.__config == self.__config
and o.__element == self.__element
and o.__attribute == self.__attribute
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self.__config, self.__element, self.__attribute))
def split(link: str, emphasize: int = EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT):
config = None
element = None
attribute = None
if link:
if type(link) is str:
temp = link.split(":")
if len(temp) == 2:
attribute = temp[1]
temp = temp[0].split("/")
if len(temp) == 2:
config = temp[0]
element = temp[1]
element = temp[0]
elif len(temp) == 1:
temp = temp[0].split("/")
if len(temp) == 2:
config = temp[0]
element = temp[1]
elif len(temp) == 1:
if emphasize == Link.EMPHASIZE_CONFIG:
config = temp[0]
elif emphasize == Link.EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT:
element = temp[0]
elif emphasize == Link.EMPHASIZE_ATTRIBUTE:
attribute = temp[0]
raise ValueError(
f'The emphasize parameter of the Link.split method only allows values in the range of 0 to 2 but the passed value was "{emphasize}" which is considered invalid'
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{link}" does not have a valid format in the form of "config/element:attribute"'
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{link}" does not have a valid format in the form of "config/element:attribute"'
if not config:
config = None
if not element:
element = None
if not attribute:
attribute = None
raise TypeError(
f'The Link.split method was called with the input being of type "{type(link)}" but only inputs of type "str" are supported'
return config, element, attribute
def parse_with_context(
link: str,
context: Union[ConfigTypes.Subconfig, Link],
emphasize: int = EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT,
newLink = Link(link, emphasize)
if not newLink.hasConfig():
if isinstance(context, ConfigTypes.Subconfig):
newLink.config =
elif isinstance(context, Link):
newLink.config = context.config
raise TypeError(
f"Can only handle context of types Subconfig or Link but not {type(context)}"
return newLink
def construct(config: str = None, element: str = None, attribute: str = None):
newLink = Link()
newLink.set(config, element, attribute)
return newLink
def isGlobal(link: Union[str, Link]):
newLink = Link.force(link)
if newLink.__config:
return True
return False
def force(
input: Union[
Link, str, ConfigTypes.ConfigElement, ConfigTypes.AttributeInstance
emphasize: int = EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT,
) -> Link:
if input is None:
return Link()
if type(input) is Link:
return input
elif (
type(input) is ConfigTypes.ConfigElement
or type(input) is ConfigTypes.AttributeInstance
elif type(input) is str:
return Link(input, emphasize)
raise TypeError(
f'Inputs of type "{type(input)}" cannot be converted to a Link object'
def __isGlobal(self):
if self.__config:
return True
return False
def isValidElementLink(self):
return (not self.__config is None) and (not self.__element is None)
def set(self, config: str = None, element: str = None, attribute: str = None):
self.__config: str = config
self.__element: str = element
self.__attribute: str = attribute
def getLink(
self, Config: bool = True, Element: bool = True, Attribute: bool = True
) -> str:
config = self.__config if not self.__config is None else ""
element = self.__element if not self.__element is None else ""
attribute = self.__attribute if not self.__attribute is None else ""
if Config == False:
config = ""
if Element == False:
element = ""
if Attribute == False:
attribute = ""
if not config and not element and not attribute:
return ""
if attribute and element and not config:
return f"{element}:{attribute}"
elif attribute and not element and not config:
return f":{attribute}"
elif not attribute:
return f"{config}/{element}"
return f"{config}/{element}:{attribute}"
def resolveElement(
self, config: ConfigTypes.Configuration
) -> ConfigTypes.ConfigElement:
if self.__config and self.__element:
subconfig = config.getSubconfig(self)
return subconfig.getElement(self)
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{self.getLink()}" cannot be resolved. Either the config or the element part of the link are missing but they are mandatory for resolving an element.'
def resolveAttributeList(
self, config: ConfigTypes.Configuration
) -> List[Tuple[ConfigTypes.AttributeInstance, ConfigTypes.ConfigElement]]:
if self.__config and self.__attribute:
subconfig = config.getSubconfig(self)
attributeCollection = []
for element in subconfig:
targetAttribute = element.getAttributeInstance(self)
attributeCollection.append((targetAttribute, element))
return attributeCollection
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{self.getLink()}" cannot be resolved. Either the config or the attribute part of the link are missing but they are mandatory for resolving an attribute list.'
def resolveAttribute(
self, config: ConfigTypes.Configuration
) -> ConfigTypes.AttributeInstance:
if self.__config and self.__attribute and self.__element:
subconfig = config.getSubconfig(self)
element = subconfig.getElement(self)
return element.getAttributeInstance(self)
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{self.getLink()}" cannot be resolved as it is missing at least one part. All three parts of the link are mandatory for resolving an attribute value.'
def resolveSubconfig(
self, config: ConfigTypes.Configuration
) -> ConfigTypes.Subconfig:
if self.__config:
return config.getSubconfig(self)
raise ValueError(
f'The link "{self.getLink()}" cannot be resolved. The link is missing the config part which is mandatory for resolving subconfigs.'
def resolve(
self, config: ConfigTypes.Configuration
) -> Union[
List[Tuple[ConfigTypes.AttributeInstance, ConfigTypes.ConfigElement]],
if self.__config is None:
raise AttributeError(
f"For resolving a link at least the config must be set."
if self.__element and not self.__attribute: # link to an element
return self.resolveElement(config)
elif (
not self.__element and self.__attribute
): # link to list of attributes of all elements in config
return self.resolveAttributeList(config)
elif (
self.__attribute and self.__element
): # link to the value of an attribute inside an element
return self.resolveAttribute(config)
else: # link to a subconfig
return self.resolveSubconfig(config)
def copy(self):
return Link.construct(
config=self.__config, element=self.__element, attribute=self.__attribute
def merge(self, override: Union[str, Link], emphasize: int = EMPHASIZE_ELEMENT):
overrideLink = Link.force(override, emphasize)
mergedLink = self.copy()
if overrideLink.__config:
mergedLink.__config = overrideLink.__config
if overrideLink.__element:
mergedLink.__element = overrideLink.__element
if overrideLink.__attribute:
mergedLink.__attribute = overrideLink.__attribute
return mergedLink
def hasAnyParts(self, config=False, element=False, attribute=False):
"""Retruns True if the link element has all parts that are specified in the parameters
True means this part of the link has to be set
False means this part of the link may be set or empty
result = True
if config and not self.__config:
result = False
if element and not self.__element:
result = False
if attribute and not self.__attribute:
result = False
return result
def hasConfig(self):
if self.__config:
return True
return False
def hasElement(self):
if self.__element:
return True
return False
def hasAttribute(self):
if self.__attribute:
return True
return False
def parts(self):
return self.__config, self.__element, self.__attribute
def config(self):
if self.__config:
return self.__config
raise ValueError(
f"The config part of the link {self} was requested but that part is empty. Make sure that the link is in the correct format."
def config(self, value):
if value:
if "/" in value or ":" in value:
raise ValueError(
f'A link part is not allowed to contain a "/" or a ":" character. But the attribute part "{value}" does.'
self.__config = value
def element(self):
if self.__element:
return self.__element
raise ValueError(
f"The element part of the link {self} was requested but that part is empty. Make sure that the link is in the correct format."
def element(self, value):
if value:
if "/" in value or ":" in value:
raise ValueError(
f'A link part is not allowed to contain a "/" or a ":" character. But the attribute part "{value}" does.'
self.__element = value
def attribute(self):
if self.__attribute:
return self.__attribute
raise ValueError(
f"The attribute part of the link {self} was requested but that part is empty. Make sure that the link is in the correct format."
def attribute(self, value):
if value:
if "/" in value or ":" in value:
raise ValueError(
f'A link part is not allowed to contain a "/" or a ":" character. But the attribute part "{value}" does.'
self.__attribute = value
def _serialize(self):
return self.getLink()