
group Global_CILsysTimer

CILsysTimer globals.



group Macros_CILsysTimer_h


group Variables_CILsysTimer_h


group Apis_CILsysTimer_h


group Getters_CILsysTimer_h


group Setters_CILsysTimer_h


void CILsysTimer_startTimer(BitWidthType ticks, BitWidthType timerTickCount)

Start system timer. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains configuration of system timer. The load value is calculated as ticks multiplied by the timerTickCount that represents value that has to be loaded to the timer to set it for one tick. Then the current timer value is set to zero and the timer is enabled.

  • ticks[in] number of ticks to be set

  • timerTickCount[in] how many system timer ticks represent the one scheduler tick



void CILsysTimer_setTicks(BitWidthType ticks, BitWidthType timerTickCount, BitWidthType timerOffset)

Set ticks on system timer. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains configuration of system timer. First of all the timer is disabled. Then load value is calculated as ticks multiplied by the timerTickCount that represents value that has to be loaded to the timer to set it for one tick. From this value is subtracted the delay value which represents the time we spent in the scheduling algorithm. Then the current timer value is set to zero and the timer is enabled.

  • ticks[in] number of ticks to be set

  • timerTickCount[in] how many system timer ticks represent the one scheduler tick

  • timerOffset[in] offset caused by the system timer setting max period for scheduling algorithm execution



void CILsysTimer_setTicksSaveOffset(BitWidthType ticks, BitWidthType timerTickCount, AddressType *timerOffset)

Set ticks on system timer and save timer offset. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains configuration of system timer. First of all the timer is disabled. Then load value is calculated as ticks multiplied by the timerTickCount that represents value that has to be loaded to the timer to set it for one tick. From this value is subtracted the delay value which represents the time we spent in the scheduling algorithm and this value is also saved to the timerOffset address. Then the current timer value is set to zero and the timer is enabled.

  • ticks[in] number of ticks to be set

  • timerTickCount[in] how many system timer ticks represent the one scheduler tick

  • timerOffset[in] pointer to the scheduler timer offset structure member




group General_CILsysTimer_h