
Mutexes are one of the synchronization primitives that are implemented in CosmOS. A mutex is designed to grant exclusive access to shared resources to the specific thread. The mutex locking mechanism can be used only for threads within one program. In CosmOS, we implemented two ways of obtaining a mutex. One way is a non-blocking method and does not cause thread preemption in case of unsuccessful locking of the mutex. In case of unsuccessful locking of the mutex, the other way will trigger the thread preemption and unblock it after the mutex is unlocked again. The mutex implementation also provides additional protection against a deadlock. For more information please read the mutex section in the Whitepaper.

Code examples

Mutex variable mapping

If our compiler does not support the section pragmas we have to map the mutex variable with help of the generated mapping macro as it is shown in the code example below.

/* @cond S */
/* @endcond*/
// If your compiler does not support pragmas use __TIMING_MEASUREMENT_CM4_INIT_SECTION
** DO NOT MODIFY THIS COMMENT !                      USER SECTION | Start      **
** start_name =timing_measurement_CM4_init

CosmOS_MutexVariableType resourcesMutex __TIMING_MEASUREMENT_CM4_INIT_SECTION;

** stop_name =timing_measurement_CM4_init
** DO NOT MODIFY THIS COMMENT !                      USER SECTION | Stop       **
/* @cond S */
/* @endcond*/

Mutex get and release

To try mutex, function mutex_tryMutex() was implemented.

CosmOS_MutexStateType mutex_tryMutex(CosmOS_MutexVariableType *mutexVar)

To get mutex, function mutex_getMutex() was implemented.

CosmOS_MutexStateType mutex_getMutex(CosmOS_MutexVariableType *mutexVar)

To release mutex, function mutex_releaseMutex() was implemented.

CosmOS_MutexStateType mutex_releaseMutex(CosmOS_MutexVariableType *mutexVar)
#include <mutex.h>
#include <errorHandler.h>

mutexState = mutex_getMutex( &resourcesMutex );
if( errorHandler_isError( mutexState ) )
    //error was returned, check its value

//Critical code section (safe in intra-program synchronization)

mutexState = mutex_releaseMutex( &resourcesMutex );
if( errorHandler_isError( mutexState ) )
    //error was returned, check its value