Environment and file generation config files

Environment config

The Environment configuration file should only contain json properties which are either of type string or a list containing strings. Nesting of objects is not allowed/supported.


A placeholder is defined by wrapping the placeholders name in curly braces. For example: {environment}

Any string type property can be used as a placeholder for another property value. List items cannot be used as placeholders. There is a special placeholder for referring to the environment root directory to allow an easy configuration of absolute paths called environment. Creating a key with this name in the json file is forbidden.

Consider the following example:

  "Cosmos": "{environment}/Cosmos",
  "CoreConfig": "{Cosmos}/configuration/systemDefinition",
  "HWConfig": "{Cosmos}/stm32h755_integration/configuration",
  "config": [

Using the example above the environment parser would return an object containing a property for every key in the config file. Calling environment.CoreConfig in python would return something like C:\Files\Projects\Cosmos_reference_project\Cosmos assuming that environment is the name of the environment object that was returned by the environment parser. environment.config would return something along the lines of: [".../Cosmos_reference_project/Cosmos/configuration/systemDefinition", ".../Cosmos_reference_project/Cosmos/stm32h755_integration/configuration"]. The environment parser also provides methods for making sure that certain properties exist inside the json and also for checking whether the given paths exist, are valid files or even prompt it to create the paths if they do not exist yet. This can be done using the following methods of the environment object:

  • require

  • requireFile

  • requireFolder

For full documentation on these please check the python docstrings inside the environment parser sourcefile.

Also any additional paths can be easily resolved by calling the resolvePath method of the environment object with full support for replacing any already known placeholders inside the paths string.

File generation config

This config is used to determine which files have to be generated with which templates and in which output directories they have to be generated.

Description of config file structure

The configuration json file consists of multiple root level elements. each root level element represents one type of file generation. There can be as many root level elements as needed. Every root level element may contain the following properties:





list of strings -> List of partial paths to a file


The templates list is used to determine which templates to use for the file generation. The value should be a path relative to the template directory that was passed to the generator when instantiating it. The file ending of the template should be omitted. Template files should follow the naming convention of templateName.generatedFileExtension.j2. There will always be one file generated per given template also if they differ in their file extension. Template file paths can be treaded a bit like wildcards. The generator will look for templates that start with the string specified and will generate one output file for each of the found matching templates keeping their original file extension but removing the .j2 extension. For example, The following directory structure is given:

├─ application/
│ ├─ program.h.j2
│ ├─ program.c.j2
│ ├─ programImplementation.h.j2
│ ├─ programImplementation.c.j2

By specifying application/program in the templates list the following files will be generated:

  • program.h

  • program.c

  • programImplementation.h

  • programImplementation.c





string -> Path to folder


Path where the generated output files should be placed





string -> Name of the output file


The name the output file will be given. File extensions should be omitted here as they will be taken from the template file name instead. If this property is not specified the name of the template file will be used as a default. There are the following placeholders available which will be replaced by some special values when storing output files:

  • {template} -> will be replaced by the full template filename that was used without the file extension.

  • {target} -> Only applicable to use when the loop property was used. Will be replaced by the value of the specified attribute of the current loop element.





dictionary of string: string -> file extension : output subfolder name


If specified any file matching any of the defined extensions in the dictionary will be generated in a subfolder of the output directory with the name of the key value For example the following patter config:

"pattern": {
  ".h": "inc",
  ".c": "src"

Will put output files with the .c extension to a subfolder src of the output directory while files with the extension .h will be generated in a subfolder called inc.





string -> Link to a config attribute in the form of config/:attributeName


If specified all elements in the given config will be looped through and for every config element one output file will be generated. The {target} placeholder will be populated with the value of the specified attribute of the current loop element so that is can be used in the fileName property to generate a file with a unique filename.





string -> variable name


Can only be used if the loop property is also given. If specified an additional variable with the name that is given as the value of this property will become available to be used in the template containing the current loop element.

Example configuration of both looped and non looped files:

    "templates": [
    "outputDir": "{ApplicationGenDir}",
    "loop": "programs/:name",
    "fileName": "{target}",
    "target": "program",
    "pattern": {
      ".h": "inc",
      ".c": "src"
    "templates": [
    "outputDir": "{CoreGeneratedDir}/thread",
    "fileName": "{template}",
    "pattern": {
      ".h": "inc",
      ".c": "src"