
group Global_channel

channel globals



group Macros_channel_h


group Variables_channel_h


group Apis_channel_h


group Getters_channel_h


BitWidthType channel_getChannelId(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel id.


channel[in] configuration pointer



unsigned char *channel_getChannelSendPool(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get sendPool pointer.


channel[in] configuration pointer


unsigned char *

unsigned char *channel_getChannelReplyPool(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get replyPool pointer.


channel[in] configuration pointer


unsigned char *

BitWidthType channel_getChannelSendPoolSize(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel sendPoolSize.


channel[in] configuration pointer



BitWidthType channel_getChannelReplyPoolSize(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel replyPoolSize.


channel[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_PermissionsConfigurationType *channel_getChannelSendPermission(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get sendPermission pointer.


channel[in] configuration pointer


CosmOS_PermissionsConfigurationType *

CosmOS_PermissionsConfigurationType *channel_getChannelReplyPermission(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get replyPermission pointer.


channel[in] configuration pointer


CosmOS_PermissionsConfigurationType *

BitWidthType channel_getChannelSemaphoreId(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel semaphoreId.


channel[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_SchedulableConfigurationType *channel_getChannelReplyPoolSchedulableOwner(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel replyPoolSchedulableOwner.


channel[in] configuration pointer


CosmOS_SchedulableConfigurationType *

CosmOS_BooleanType channel_getChannelInitialized(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel initialized.


channel[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_ChannelPoolStateType channel_getChannelSendPoolState(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel sendPoolState.


channel[in] configuration pointer



BitWidthType channel_getChannelSendPoolPayloadLength(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel sendPoolPayloadLength.


channel[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_SchedulableConfigurationType *channel_getChannelSendPoolSchedulableOwner(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel sendPoolSchedulableOwner.


channel[in] configuration pointer


CosmOS_SchedulableConfigurationType *

CosmOS_BooleanType channel_getChannelSenderWaitingForResponse(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel senderWaitingForResponse.


channel[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_ChannelPoolStateType channel_getChannelReplyPoolState(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel replyPoolState.


channel[in] configuration pointer



BitWidthType channel_getChannelReplyPoolPayloadLength(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel)

Get channel replyPoolPayloadLength.


channel[in] configuration pointer




group Setters_channel_h


void channel_setChannelInitialized(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, CosmOS_BooleanType initializedParam)
void channel_setChannelSendPoolState(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, CosmOS_ChannelPoolStateType sendPoolStateParam)

Set channel sendPoolState.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • sendPoolStateParam[in] send pool state



void channel_setChannelSendPoolPayloadLength(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, BitWidthType sendPoolPayloadLengthParam)

Set channel sendPoolPayloadLength.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • sendPoolPayloadLengthParam[in] send pool payload len



void channel_setChannelSendPoolSchedulableOwner(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, CosmOS_SchedulableConfigurationType *sendPoolSchedulableOwnerParam)

Set channel sendPoolSchedulableOwner.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • sendPoolSchedulableOwnerParam[in] send pool owner



void channel_setChannelSenderWaitingForResponse(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, CosmOS_BooleanType senderWaitingForResponseParam)

Set channel senderWaitingForResponse.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • senderWaitingForResponseParam[in] is sender waiting for the response



void channel_setChannelReplyPoolState(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, CosmOS_ChannelPoolStateType replyPoolStateParam)

Set channel replyPoolState.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • replyPoolStateParam[in] reply pool state



void channel_setChannelReplyPoolPayloadLength(CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channel, BitWidthType replyPoolPayloadLengthParam)

Set channel replyPoolPayloadLength.

  • channel[out] configuration pointer

  • replyPoolPayloadLengthParam[in] reply pool payload len




group General_channel_h


CosmOS_ChannelStateType channel_initialize(BitWidthType channelId)

Channel initialize function is used to initialize channel based on the channel id. This initialization must be done with the reply (server) thread. The channel can be used only after initialization.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the channels by calling function os_getOsNumberOfChannels. Currently the channels support only threads and therefore in the if condition is checked if the running schedulable is thread type, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ONLY_THREADS_CAN_USE_CHANNEL is returned from the function. The next point is check of the channelId function argument, if the channelId is less than numberOfChannels it means that user tries to initialize channel in the range of configured channels, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID is returned from the function. Then the channel configuration structure is obtained by calling os_getOsChannelCfg function and used to get isChannelInitialized state by calling function channel_getChannelInitialized. If the channel is not initialized we continue with initialization, otherwise function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CHANNEL_ALREADY_INITIALIZED state. As the next step the replyPermission are obtained by calling function channel_getChannelReplyPermission because the channel is always initialized by reply (server) thread. The reply permissions are then used to get the access state by calling function permission_tryAccess. If the accessState is equal to the ACCESS_STATE_ENUM__ALLOWED it means that the running thread is the reply (server) thread of the current channel, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. As the channels support currently only threads running in the user space, the coreInPrivilegedMode is obtained by calling function CILcore_isInPrivilegedMode. If the core is not in privileged mode we can continue with the initialization, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CAN_BE_CALLED_ONLY_FROM_UNPRIVILEGED. After this point we can finally call internal function mapped to the system call by function as macro cosmosApiInternal_channel_initializeInternal and function returns in this case CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__INITIALIZED.


channelId[in] channel id



CosmOS_ChannelStateType channel_send(BitWidthType channelId, AddressType *userSendDataPool, BitWidthType userSendPoolSize, AddressType *userReplyDataPool, BitWidthType userReplyPoolSize)

Channel send function is used to send data to the specific schedulable that can process it or reply with specific data back to the sender.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the channels by calling function os_getOsNumberOfChannels. Currently the channels support only threads and therefore in the if condition is checked if the running schedulable is thread type, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ONLY_THREADS_CAN_USE_CHANNEL is returned from the function. The next point is check of the channelId function argument, if the channelId is less than numberOfChannels it means that user tries to use channel in the range of configured channels, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID is returned from the function. Then the channel configuration structure is obtained by calling os_getOsChannelCfg function and used to get isChannelInitialized state by calling function channel_getChannelInitialized. If the channel is initialized we continue in the send operation, otherwise function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CHANNEL_NOT_INITIALIZED state. As the next step the sendPermission are obtained by calling function channel_getChannelSendPermission because the channel send function can be called only by the configured send threads. The send permissions are then used to get the access state by calling function permission_tryAccess. If the accessState is equal to the ACCESS_STATE_ENUM__ALLOWED it means that the running thread is the send (server) thread of the current channel, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. As the channels support currently only threads running in the user space, the coreInPrivilegedMode is obtained by calling function CILcore_isInPrivilegedMode. If the core is not in privileged mode we can continue with the send operation, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CAN_BE_CALLED_ONLY_FROM_UNPRIVILEGED. The next step now is to get send pool size by calling channel_getChannelSendPoolSize function. If the send pool size is more than userSendDataPoolSize function argument we can continue in the send operation, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_DATA_TO_SEND_BIGGER_THAN_POOL. After this point the channel semaphore id is obtained by calling function channel_getChannelSemaphoreId. Here is one improvement As the next point the local variable channelConnected is set to the False and do-while loop is implemented where are the functions semaphore_getSemaphore and channel_getChannelSendPoolState called to try to obtain semaphore for exclusive access to the send pool, but the sendPoolState must be also equals to the CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__EMPTY to signalize that reply (server) thread successfully read all the data and its ready to receive data again. If the sendPoolState equals to the CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__EMPTY the send thread was successfully connected to the channel and can now send the data and set the local variable channelConnected to the connected that terminates the do-while loop. Next we have to get the sendPool address by calling function channel_getChannelSendPool. As the core is not in the privileged mode the while loop is implemented that writes bytes till the userSendDataPoolSize is non-zero value. Inside this while loop is the if condition implemented to check if the size to write is more than SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK, if yes only number of bytes defined by SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK is written to the send data pool to not block system by long too long system call that is called by function as macro cosmosApiInternal_supportStdio_memcpyInternal, the size to write is always decremented by SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK till its not smaller than SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK and then is the size set to zero and last bytes are written to the send data pool. After all data are copied from the user space to the channel send data pool in the operating system memory we can then call the function as macro cosmosApiInternal_channel_sendInternal to configure channel and signalize the reply thread that we sent a data. After configurating the channel we can release the semaphore as we leave the critical section by calling function semaphore_releaseSemaphore. The assertion is then called to check if the semaphore was successfully released. The function channel_getChannelSenderWaitingForResponse is called to check if the send thread is waiting for the response, if not the CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__NOT_RECEIVED state is returned by this function, otherwise the do-while loop is implemented to wait till replyPoolState is equal to the CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__WAITING_TO_BE_PROCESSED even though the schedulable was in waiting state (blocked) and signalized, there can be still delay till the reply pool contains the correct data and therefore we wait in this do-while loop. After this point the replyDataPool address and replyPoolPayloadSize are obtained by calling the channel_getChannelReplyPool and channel_getChannelReplyPoolPayloadLength functions. Then is checked if the replyPoolPayloadSize is less or equal userReplyDataPoolSize, if yes we can read the data from the replyDataPool by calling function supportStdio_memcpy, then signalize the reply thread that we read all data from reply pool by calling the function as macro cosmosApiInternal_channel_sendReplyObtainedInternal and in the end return CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__RECEIVED state, otherwise function returns the CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_DATA_TO_RECEIVE_BIGGER_THAN_POOL state.

  • channelId[in] channel id

  • userSendDataPool[in] pointer to the address with the payload to send

  • userSendPoolSize[in] payload to send length

  • userReplyDataPool[in] pointer to the address of local user pool

  • userReplyPoolSize[in] local user pool length



CosmOS_ChannelStateType channel_receive(BitWidthType channelId, AddressType *userReceiveDataPool, BitWidthType userReceiveDataPoolSize)

Channel receive function is used to receive data from the sender to the local user data pool.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the channels by calling function os_getOsNumberOfChannels. Currently the channels support only threads and therefore in the if condition is checked if the running schedulable is thread type, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ONLY_THREADS_CAN_USE_CHANNEL is returned from the function. The next point is check of the channelId function argument, if the channelId is less than numberOfChannels it means that user tries to use channel in the range of configured channels, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID is returned from the function. Then the channel configuration structure is obtained by calling os_getOsChannelCfg function and used to get isChannelInitialized state by calling function channel_getChannelInitialized. If the channel is initialized we continue in the reply operation, otherwise function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CHANNEL_NOT_INITIALIZED state. As the next step the replyPermission are obtained by calling function channel_getChannelReplyPermission because the channel reply function can be called only by the configured reply thread. The reply permissions are then used to get the access state by calling function permission_tryAccess. If the accessState is equal to the ACCESS_STATE_ENUM__ALLOWED it means that the running thread is the reply (server) thread of the current channel, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. As the channels support currently only threads running in the user space, the coreInPrivilegedMode is obtained by calling function CILcore_isInPrivilegedMode. If the core is not in privileged mode we can continue with the receive operation, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CAN_BE_CALLED_ONLY_FROM_UNPRIVILEGED. After this point the function as macro cosmosApiInternal_channel_receiveInternal is called that configure the channel in such a way that send (client) threads know they can send data again and put the running reply (server) thread’s schedulable that called this function in the SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__LISTENING state (watiting state and schedulable is blocked) till the sender thread will signalize that there is data to process again. After unblocking calling thread we get the sendPoolState by calling channel_getChannelSendPoolState function and check if the state is equal to CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__WAITING_TO_BE_PROCESSED in the assertion. After this point the sendDataPool address and sendPoolPayloadLength are obtained by calling the channel_getChannelSendPool and channel_getChannelSendPoolPayloadLength functions. Then is checked if the sendPoolPayloadLength is less or equal userReceiveDataPoolSize, if yes we can read the data from the sendDataPool by calling function supportStdio_memcpy and in the end return CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__RECEIVED state, otherwise function returns the CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_DATA_TO_RECEIVE_BIGGER_THAN_POOL state.

  • channelId[in] channel id

  • userReceiveDataPool[out] pointer to the address of local user pool

  • userReceiveDataPoolSize[out] local user pool length



CosmOS_ChannelStateType channel_reply(BitWidthType channelId, AddressType *userReplyDataPool, BitWidthType userReplyDataPoolSize)

Channel reply function is used to response to the received data from the sender.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the channels by calling function os_getOsNumberOfChannels. Currently the channels support only threads and therefore in the if condition is checked if the running schedulable is thread type, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ONLY_THREADS_CAN_USE_CHANNEL is returned from the function. The next point is check of the channelId function argument, if the channelId is less than numberOfChannels it means that user tries to use channel in the range of configured channels, otherwise CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID is returned from the function. Then the channel configuration structure is obtained by calling os_getOsChannelCfg function and used to get isChannelInitialized state by calling function channel_getChannelInitialized. If the channel is initialized we continue in the reply operation, otherwise function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CHANNEL_NOT_INITIALIZED state. As the next step the replyPermission are obtained by calling function channel_getChannelReplyPermission because the channel reply function can be called only by the configured reply thread. The reply permissions are then used to get the access state by calling function permission_tryAccess. If the accessState is equal to the ACCESS_STATE_ENUM__ALLOWED it means that the running thread is the reply (server) thread of the current channel, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. As the channels support currently only threads running in the user space, the coreInPrivilegedMode is obtained by calling function CILcore_isInPrivilegedMode. If the core is not in privileged mode we can continue with the reply operation, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CAN_BE_CALLED_ONLY_FROM_UNPRIVILEGED. The next step now is to get reply pool size by calling channel_getChannelReplyPoolSize function. If the reply pool size is more than userReplyDataPoolSize function argument we can continue in the reply operation, otherwise the function returns CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_DATA_TO_SEND_BIGGER_THAN_POOL. After this point a do-while loop is implemented to check the replyPoolState by calling function channel_getChannelReplyPoolState, till the reply pool state is CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__EMPTY. As the core is not in the privileged mode the while loop is implemented that writes bytes till the userReplyDataPoolSize is non-zero value. Inside this while loop is the if condition implemented to check if the size to write is more than SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK, if yes only number of bytes defined by SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK is written to the reply data pool to not block system by long too long system call that is called by function as macro cosmosApiInternal_supportStdio_memcpyInternal, the size to write is always decremented by SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK till its not smaller than SYCALL_BYTES_CHUNK and then is the size set to zero and last bytes are written to the reply data pool. After all data are copied from the user space to the channel reply data pool in the operating system memory we can then call the function as macro cosmosApiInternal_channel_replyInternal to configure channel and signalize the send thread that we replied and in the end the CHANNEL_STATE_ENUM__REPLIED is returned by this function.

  • channelId[in] channel id

  • userReplyDataPool[in] pointer to the address with the reply payload

  • userReplyDataPoolSize[in] payload length



void channel_signalizeReply(void)

Channel signalize reply internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. This function is called as a os event callback function for specific signalize reply os event. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get event configuration by calling function os_getOsEventCfg. Os event configuration structure is used to get the event data pool by calling function osEvent_getOsEventDataPool. The channel event is then extracted from the os event data pool. To check if the channel id stored in the os event data pool is correct we get the number of channels by calling the os_getOsNumberOfChannels function and check it in the assertion. Then the channel configuration is obtained by calling the function os_getOsChannelCfg and used to get the send pool owner by calling the channel_getChannelSendPoolSchedulableOwner function. Then the send pool owner core id is checked in assertion (it has to be exactly the same as the current core id). Send pool owner state is subsequently set to SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY. After this point we have to obtain the send pool owner program by calling the core_getCoreProgramCfg function that is then used to get the send pool owner thread by calling function program_getProgramThread. We need also the current running thread on the core obtained by calling the function program_getProgramThread. If condition is implemented to check if the running thread priority is less than the send (client) thread priority, if yes the reschedule algorithm is triggered by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.



void channel_signalizeSend(void)

Channel signalize send internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. This function is called as a os event callback function for specific signalize send os event. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get event configuration by calling function os_getOsEventCfg. Os event configuration structure is used to get the event data pool by calling function osEvent_getOsEventDataPool. The channel event is then extracted from the os event data pool. To check if the channel id stored in the os event data pool is correct we get the number of channels by calling the os_getOsNumberOfChannels function and check it in the assertion. Then the channel configuration is obtained by calling the function os_getOsChannelCfg and used to get the reply pool owner by calling the channel_getChannelSendPoolSchedulableOwner function. Then the reply pool owner core id is checked in assertion (it has to be exactly the same as the current core id). Send pool owner state is subsequently set to SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY. After this point we have to obtain the reply pool owner program by calling the core_getCoreProgramCfg function that is then used to get the reply pool owner thread by calling function program_getProgramThread. We need also the current running thread on the core obtained by calling the function program_getProgramThread. If condition is implemented to check if the running thread priority is less than the reply (server) thread priority, if yes the reschedule algorithm is triggered by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.



void channel_initializeInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channelCfg)

Channel initialize internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains calling channel_setChannelInitialized function to set current channel configuration state to initialized.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • channelCfg[in] channel configuration pointer



void channel_sendInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channelCfg, BitWidthType sendPoolPayloadLength, BitWidthType userReplyDataPoolSize)

Channel send internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. The sendPoolPayloadLength function argument is then used to set the length of the send pool payload by calling function channel_setChannelSendPoolPayloadLength. If the argument userReplyDataPoolSize is non-zero value it means that sender waits also for the reply. In that case we set the sender waiting for response value to true by calling function channel_setChannelSenderWaitingForResponse and the running schedulable as the send pool owner by calling function channel_setChannelSendPoolSchedulableOwner. Then the state of the running schedulable is set to the SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__WAITING_FOR_REPLY. If the send thread is not waiting for the reply we set the sender waiting for response value to false by calling function channel_setChannelSenderWaitingForResponse. After this point the reply pool owner is obtained by calling function channel_getChannelReplyPoolSchedulableOwner. In the subsequent if condition we check if the reply owner is running on the same core as the send thread, if yes we can set its state to the SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY and we dont have to call os event to signalize other core that the schedulable is again ready to run and process the data sent by the send thread. Otherwise we have to send os event. First of all we have to configure the array of event handling cores, in our case we just set true the element in that array that belongs to the core where the reply thread is running and leave all other elements set to false. The data transferred by the os event contains just CosmOS_ChannelEventType structure with the channel id set to the current channel id. After this point the osEvent_triggerEvent is called with the OS_EVENT_CHANNEL_SIGNALIZESEND parameter and assertion is called to check if the os event state is OS_EVENT_STATE_ENUM__OK. In the end the if condition is implemented that checks if the running thread is waiting for the reply and if yes the reschedule is triggered by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • channelCfg[in] channel configuration pointer

  • sendPoolPayloadLength[in] send payload length

  • userReplyDataPoolSize[in] user local data pool size



void channel_sendReplyObtainedInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channelCfg)

Channel send - reply obtained internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains calling channel_setChannelReplyPoolState function to set current channel configuration reply pool state to CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__EMPTY. This signalize the channel reply thread that the reply pool can be used again and the sender successfully read all the data.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • channelCfg[in] channel configuration pointer



void channel_receiveInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channelCfg)

Channel receive internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the reply pool owner by calling channel_getChannelReplyPoolSchedulableOwner function, after this point the replyPoolOwner state is set to SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__LISTENING and channel send pool state to the CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__EMPTY by calling function channel_setChannelSendPoolState. This signalize eventual send (client) threads that the reply (server) thread is able to process data again. After this point the reschedule is triggered by calling CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger function as the thread is now blocked till some data will be sent through the channel.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • channelCfg[in] channel configuration pointer



void channel_replyInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_ChannelConfigurationType *channelCfg, BitWidthType replyPoolPayloadLength)

Channel reply internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Then the reply pool payload length is set by calling the channel_setChannelReplyPoolPayloadLength and channel reply pool state to CHANNEL_POOL_STATE_ENUM__WAITING_TO_BE_PROCESSED by calling function channel_setChannelReplyPoolState. In the subsequent if condition we check if the send pool owner is running on the same core as the reply thread, if yes we can set its state to the SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY and we dont have to call os event to signalize other core that the schedulable is again ready to run and process the data sent by the reply thread. Instead of using os event we get the send pool owner program by calling the function core_getCoreProgramCfg that is used afterwards to get the send pool thread configuration structure by calling the function program_getProgramThread. If the priority of reply (currently running) thread is less than priority of the send (client) thread the isSenderWaitingPrioHigher local variable is set to True, else it is set to the False. If the send pool owner is notrunning on the same core as the currently running reply thread we have to use reply os event. First of all we have to configure the array of event handling cores, in our case we just set true the element in that array that belongs to the core where the send thread is running and leave all other elements set to false. The data transferred by the os event contains just CosmOS_ChannelEventType structure with the channel id set to the current channel id. After this point the osEvent_triggerEvent is called with the OS_EVENT_CHANNEL_SIGNALIZEREPLY parameter and assertion is called to check if the os event state is OS_EVENT_STATE_ENUM__OK. In the end the if condition is implemented that checks if isSenderWaitingPrioHigher is True, if yes the reschedule is triggered by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • channelCfg[in] channel configuration pointer

  • replyPoolPayloadLength[in] reply payload length

