
group Global_interrupt

interrupt globals



group Macros_interrupt_h


group Variables_interrupt_h


group Apis_interrupt_h


group Getters_interrupt_h


BitWidthType interrupt_getInterruptId(CosmOS_InterruptConfigurationType *interrupt)

Get interrupt id.


interrupt[in] configuration pointer



CosmOS_ThreadConfigurationType *interrupt_getInterruptHandlerThread(CosmOS_InterruptConfigurationType *interrupt)

Get interrupt handlerThread.


interrupt[in] configuration pointer


CosmOS_ThreadConfigurationType *

BitWidthType interrupt_getInterruptNumberOfRequests(CosmOS_InterruptConfigurationType *interrupt)

Get interrupt numberOfRequests.


interrupt[in] configuration pointer




group Setters_interrupt_h


void interrupt_setInterruptNumberOfRequests(CosmOS_InterruptConfigurationType *interrupt, BitWidthType numberOfRequestsParam)


group General_interrupt_h


void interrupt_signalizeThread(void)

Interrupt signalize thread event handler. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get event configuration by calling function os_getOsEventCfg. Os event configuration structure is used to get the event data pool by calling function osEvent_getOsEventDataPool. The interrupt event is then extracted from the os event data pool. To check if the interrupt id stored in the os event data pool is correct we get the number of interrupts by calling the os_getOsNumberOfInterrupts function and check it in the assertion. Then the interrupt configuration is obtained by calling the function os_getOsInterruptCfg and used to get the interrupt handler thread which is then set to SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY. Then we obtain the number of requests by calling function interrupt_getInterruptNumberOfRequests and check with assertion it is non-zero value, because atleast one request had to be created before this function is called. Then we decrement number of requests by one, as the one request will be handled and set it to the interrupt structure by calling interrupt_setInterruptNumberOfRequests function. We need to get also the current running thread on the core obtained by calling the function program_getProgramThread. If condition is implemented to check if the running thread priority is less than the interrupt handler thread priority, if yes the reschedule algorithm is triggered by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.



void interrupt_handleInternal(BitWidthType id, CosmOS_InterruptConfigurationType *interruptCfg)

Interrupt handle internal. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining core configuration structure by calling function CILcore_getCoreCfg. The interruptCfg argument is used to get the handler thread and number of requests by calling functions interrupt_getInterruptHandlerThread, interrupt_getInterruptNumberOfRequests. If the number of reuests is non-zero value we decrement it by one and set it to the interrupt structure back by calling function interrupt_setInterruptNumberOfRequests. If there is no interrupt request to handle we set the handler thread to the waiting for interrupt state and trigger reschedule algorithm on the current core by calling function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger.

  • id[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • interruptCfg[in] interrupt configuration pointer



CosmOS_InterruptStateType interrupt_handle(BitWidthType interruptId)

Interrupt handle function. This function can be called from the thread configured as the interrupt handler thread. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg. Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the interrupts by calling function os_getOsNumberOfInterrupts. Currently the interrupts support only threads and therefore in the if condition is checked if the running schedulable is thread type, otherwise INTERRUPT_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ONLY_THREADS_CAN_USE_INTERRUPT is returned from the function. The next point is check of the interruptId function argument, if the interruptId is less than numberOfInterrupts it means that user tries to use interrupt in the range of configured interrupts, otherwise INTERRUPT_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_INVALID_INTERRUPT_ID is returned from the function. Then the interrupt configuration structure is obtained by calling os_getOsInterruptCfg function and used to get handler thread which is used in the subsequent if condition to check if the currently running thread (caller of the function) is the same as the handler thread. If not the INTERRUPT_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_ACCESSED_BY_WRONG_THREAD is returned from the function. Otherwise we check if the core is in privileged mode by calling function CILcore_isInPrivilegedMode, if yes the INTERRUPT_STATE_ENUM__ERROR_CAN_BE_CALLED_ONLY_FROM_UNPRIVILEGED is returned from the function. Otherwise the cosmosApiInternal_interrupt_handleInternal function is called and the INTERRUPT_STATE_ENUM__OK is returned from the function.


interruptId[in] is identifier of interrupt to handle



void interrupt_trigger(BitWidthType interruptId)

Interrupt trigger function. This function cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. This function is called from the ISR to signalize handler thread. DEMO.

The implementation contains obtaining of the operating system configuration structure and also core configuration structure by calling functions os_getOsCfg and CILcore_getCoreCfg.Operating system configuration structure is then used to get number of the interrupts by calling function os_getOsNumberOfInterrupts. The next point is check of the interruptId function argument, if the interruptId is less than numberOfInterrupts it means that user tries to use interrupt in the range of configured interrupts. After this point we can obtain the interrupt configuration by calling the function os_getOsInterruptCfg with the interrupt identifier parameter. The interrupt configuration is then used to get handler thread and number of requests by calling functions interrupt_getInterruptNumberOfRequests and interrupt_getInterruptHandlerThread. Subsequently the assertion is implemented to check if we can increment number of request value or it will overflow. If we are able to increment it we then store the value back to the interrupt structure by calling interrupt_setInterruptNumberOfRequests function. In the next if condition we check if the handler thread is running on the current core, if yes we can decrement the number of request, set the handler thread to SCHEDULABLE_STATE_ENUM__READY and trigger the reschedule algorithm for the current core by calling the function CILinterrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger. Otherwise we have to send os event. First of all we have to configure the array of event handling cores, in our case we just set true the element in that array that belongs to the core where the handler thread is running and leave all other elements set to false. The data transferred by the os event contains just CosmOS_InterruptEventType structure with the interrupt id set to the current interrupt id. After this point the osEvent_triggerEvent is called with the OS_EVENT_INTERRUPT_SIGNALIZETHREAD parameter and assertion is called to check if the os event state is OS_EVENT_STATE_ENUM__OK.


interruptId[in] is identifier of interrupt to handle



void interrupt_enableInterrupts(BitWidthType entityId)

Enable interrupts for the current core. This function is provided as a CosmOS API system call mapped with the routes and cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.


entityId[in] is used during the system call dispatching



void interrupt_enableInterrupt(BitWidthType entityId, BitWidthType ISR)

Enable specific interrupt for the current core. This function is provided as a CosmOS API system call mapped with the routes and cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

  • entityId[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • ISR[in] id of the interrupt



void interrupt_disableInterrupts(BitWidthType entityId)

Disable interrupts for the current core. This function is provided as a CosmOS API system call mapped with the routes and cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.


entityId[in] is used during the system call dispatching



void interrupt_disableInterrupt(BitWidthType entityId, BitWidthType ISR)

Disable specific interrupt for the current core. This function is provided as a CosmOS API system call mapped with the routes and cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.

  • entityId[in] is used during the system call dispatching

  • ISR[in] id of the interrupt



void interrupt_contextSwitchRoutineTrigger(BitWidthType entityId)

Context switch routine trigger. This function is provided as a CosmOS API system call mapped with the routes and cannot be called from the unprivileged context directly. DEMO.


entityId[in] is used during the system call dispatching

